
熱門關(guān)鍵詞: 心肺復(fù)蘇模擬人 | 醫(yī)學(xué)護(hù)理模型 | 急救模型 | 心肺復(fù)蘇模型 | 護(hù)理模型 | 高級(jí)兒童心肺復(fù)蘇模擬人 | 嬰兒護(hù)理模型 | 氣管插管模型 | 護(hù)理急救模型 | 電腦心肺復(fù)蘇模擬人
郵 編:200032


名 稱:女性导尿模型
價(jià) 格:詢價(jià)
品 牌:益聯(lián)醫(yī)學(xué)
簡(jiǎn) 介:女性导尿模型Life/form® Female Catheterization Simulator The Female Catheterization Simulator is constructed with a bladder reservoir, patient urethra, and a valve simulating the internal urethral sphincter. The normal feeling of resistance and pressure will be experienced as a catheter is passed through the urethra, past the sphincter, and into the bladder. When the catheter enters the bladder, artificial urine (water) will flow from the catheter as it would with a real patient. This simulator is the torso of a middle-aged woman with thighs abducted for proper position during catheterization. The external genitalia and perineum are molded in lifelike form. The labia minora can be spread apart naturally to reveal the clitoris, urethral opening, and vaginal introitus.Life/form® Female Catheterization Simulator includes a hard carrying case, lubricant, catheter, and teaching guide. Three-year warranty.*NOTE: A Fr. Silicone Foley catheter can be used if extreme care is taken to inflate the cuff only when it is in the proper position. Just as in a real patient, the cuff must be completely deflated before the catheter is removed. Improper use of a Foley can result in damage to the simulator, just as when using a Foley catheter with a real patient.Life/form® Female Catheterization Simulator - Manual Click Here For More Manuals


Life/form?Female Catheterization Simulator
The Female Catheterization Simulator is constructed with a bladder reservoir, patient urethra, and a valve simulating the internal urethral sphincter. The normal feeling of resistance and pressure will be experienced as a catheter is passed through the urethra, past the sphincter, and into the bladder. When the catheter enters the bladder, artificial urine (water) will flow from the catheter as it would with a real patient. This simulator is the torso of a middle-aged woman with thighs abducted for proper position during catheterization. The external genitalia and perineum are molded in lifelike form. The labia minora can be spread apart naturally to reveal the clitoris, urethral opening, and vaginal introitus.Life/form?Female Catheterization Simulator includes a hard carrying case, lubricant, catheter, and teaching guide. Three-year warranty.*NOTE: A Fr. Silicone Foley catheter can be used if extreme care is taken to inflate the cuff only when it is in the proper position. Just as in a real patient, the cuff must be completely deflated before the catheter is removed. Improper use of a Foley can result in damage to the simulator, just as when using a Foley catheter with a real patient.Life/form?Female Catheterization Simulator - Manual Click Here For More Manuals
公司簡(jiǎn)介 | 資質(zhì)認(rèn)證 | 產(chǎn)品中心 | 醫(yī)學(xué)模型 | 新聞資訊 | 聯(lián)系我們 | 產(chǎn)品地圖 | 醫(yī)學(xué)教學(xué)模型
地址:上海市徐匯區(qū)肇嘉浜路159號(hào)友誼時(shí)代大廈16層A/D座 生產(chǎn)基地:上海市松江區(qū)明南路498號(hào) 郵編:200032
電話:021-64188291 021-64188321 021-64188033 021-64176268 ICP備案號(hào):滬ICP備16043353號(hào)
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